Omer Day 4 - Caring is Strategic

Today is the fourth day of the Counting of the Omer - a time when many Jews note each day between the Second Day of Passover and the next major holiday, Shavuot, or “weeks”. Each of the seven weeks and each of the seven days of these weeks correspond to a particular “sefirah” or “sphere”, or perhaps better, “a divine emanation”. These themes allow us to reflect on the days as we move from liberation to revelation in the Jewish calendar..

Today is the day of eternity, or victory, or ego (“netzach”) in the week of loving-kindness (“chesed”).

In combination with the reading below, I am reflecting on the long-term effects, the lasting impact of kindness from this day in the Omer, and the temporary effectiveness of the tools of conflict, as expressed in the Tao.

The lasting effect of compassion can be real, even if we don’t see it.

The lasting damage of conflict is real, and often both visible and unseen.

In both of these realms, the most profound effects are the least visible.

Let us not be easily swayed by the idea that a short-term visible impact makes the biggest difference.

Let us deliberate on the long-term effects of well-thought out kindnesses and compassion. Caring is strategic.

Wising all of you a meaningful day and a Happy week of spring festivals.

Before and after meditating today I read this:

[From The Lao Tzu (Tao-Te Ching) as found in Wing-Tsit Chan (translator and compiler), A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, (1963), page 155, slightly adapted by Jonathan Freirich]

Fine weapons are instruments of evil.
They are hated by all people.
Therefore those who possess Tao turn away from them.
The good ruler when at home honors the left (symbolic of good omens).
When at war they honor the right (symbolic of evil omens).
Weapons are instruments of evil, not the instruments of a good ruler.
When they use them unavoidably, they regard calm restraint as the best principle.
Even when they are victorious, they do not regard it as praiseworthy.
For to praise victory, is to delight in the slaughter of people.
One who delights in the slaughter of people will not succeed in the empire.
In auspicious affairs, the left is honored.
In un-auspicious affairs, the right is honored.
The lieutenant-general stands on the left.
The senior general stands on the right.
That is to say that the arrangement follows that of funeral ceremonies.
For the slaughter of the multitude, let us weep with sorrow and grief.
For a victory, let us observe the occasion with funeral ceremonies.


Omer Day 5 - Precious and Small


Omer Day 3 - Beautiful limits