Torah Thought for this Week

“You shall be holy, for I, Adonai your God, am holy” (Leviticus 19:2)

So begins this week’s Torah reading, and then the text goes on to detail the behaviors that are “holy” and thus also, most like God.

Revering parents, keeping the Sabbath, not turning to idols - these set us apart, help us distinguish ourselves, they and the others elaborated in this week’s reading, make up the “holiness code” at the heart of the Five Books of Moses.

We are practical theologians. We imagine good behaviors, exemplary behaviors, as God-like, even when the universe often doesn’t seem to behave this way. After all, the universe seems not to distinguish between worthy and unworthy people when disease and difficulty rains down upon us.

And so we must take up the cause of finding the holy in all things, of trying to make distinctions that help us to behave better and cultivate good behaviors in those around us.

Whether it is getting vaccinated, sharing one’s plenty with those in need, finding ways to be kinder and better one moment at a time - let us all distinguish ourselves a little more and bring some extra holiness into the world.

Wishing everyone a good week.


Counting Tao - Omer 26


Omer Day 5 - Precious and Small